Results found for 1st Amendment | Eastern North Carolina Now

87 Results found for 1st Amendment

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In short, it is beyond essential; it is the core of the trust component that comprises the fabric of a free people.
In short, it is beyond essential; it is the core of the trust component that comprises the fabric of a free people.
A bill filed Tuesday, April 2, in the N.C. House would dramatically revamp how the state governs liquor sales and distribution, including a provision allowing for Sunday sales.
A bill filed Tuesday, April 2, in the N.C. House would dramatically revamp how the state governs liquor sales and distribution, including a provision allowing for Sunday sales.
Did you know that North Carolina used to be the nation's leader in locally owned and operated distilleries?
Did you know that North Carolina used to be the nation's leader in locally owned and operated distilleries?
In 1908, North Carolina voters passed statewide prohibition in 1908, making North Carolina the first Southern state to institute prohibition. The 18th Amendment didn't usher in Prohibition nationwide until 1919.
In 1908, North Carolina voters passed statewide prohibition in 1908, making North Carolina the first Southern state to institute prohibition. The 18th Amendment didn't usher in Prohibition nationwide until 1919.
Head distiller Chris Jude steps through a door at the High Wire Distilling Co. in Charleston, South Carolina. Jude, who's from Boone, enters the tasting room and bar, making the short trip from the place spirits are made to the place spirits are served
Head distiller Chris Jude steps through a door at the High Wire Distilling Co. in Charleston, South Carolina. Jude, who's from Boone, enters the tasting room and bar, making the short trip from the place spirits are made to the place spirits are served
As we approach the 4th of July, I plan on celebrating just a few short words included in the First Amendment.
As we approach the 4th of July, I plan on celebrating just a few short words included in the First Amendment.
A Wake County Superior Court has ruled against the state of North Carolina in a lawsuit seeking a permanent injunction against enforcement of the state's distribution cap and franchise laws on breweries
A Wake County Superior Court has ruled against the state of North Carolina in a lawsuit seeking a permanent injunction against enforcement of the state's distribution cap and franchise laws on breweries
Craft brewers are waiting to learn whether a lawsuit seeking a permanent injunction against enforcement of the state's distribution cap and franchise laws will proceed
Craft brewers are waiting to learn whether a lawsuit seeking a permanent injunction against enforcement of the state's distribution cap and franchise laws will proceed
The misguided and ultimately debilitating and tragic ban of alcohol that we called Prohibition was, at its core, about control
The misguided and ultimately debilitating and tragic ban of alcohol that we called Prohibition was, at its core, about control
The Fake News has lost it, but is, nonetheless, unbowed, and more than ready to defend their unprincipled behavior.
The Fake News has lost it, but is, nonetheless, unbowed, and more than ready to defend their unprincipled behavior.
The problem here in America is that the citizenry deserves the 1st Amendment right to a "free press", but not a fair press, and while that is constitutionally true, the "free press" still is responsible for some semblance of principled behavior, or those of an unprinciple nature lose respect.
The problem here in America is that the citizenry deserves the 1st Amendment right to a "free press", but not a fair press, and while that is constitutionally true, the "free press" still is responsible for some semblance of principled behavior, or those of an unprinciple nature lose respect.
hey also know that, for the last 100 years, the federal government has violated the Constitution by usurping thousands of powers not delegated.
hey also know that, for the last 100 years, the federal government has violated the Constitution by usurping thousands of powers not delegated.
This point came to me from my Son-In-Law and he makes a great point...
I had hoped that I had written my last political post, but such naivety is out of character for me. Accordingly, I offer another rant as we begin our assault on the Electoral College and UNFAIRNESS of not allowing the popular vote to select our presidents.
I had hoped that I had written my last political post, but such naivety is out of character for me. Accordingly, I offer another rant as we begin our assault on the Electoral College and UNFAIRNESS of not allowing the popular vote to select our presidents.
Donald Trump should appeal to all those who identify as independent and who wish to break from the strict, disinterested, controlling 2-party system. All those who are fed up being controlled and railroaded by the self-interested 2-Party system should exercise their First Amendment right of protest
Donald Trump should appeal to all those who identify as independent and who wish to break from the strict, disinterested, controlling 2-party system. All those who are fed up being controlled and railroaded by the self-interested 2-Party system should exercise their First Amendment right of protest
Commissioner Gary Brinn today hand delivered a freedom of information act request to the City of Washington, NC Police Department
Commissioner Gary Brinn today hand delivered a freedom of information act request to the City of Washington, NC Police Department
Beaufort County Commission Vice-Chairman Gary Brinn announced the following today. The North Carolina State Board of Elections has found against Derik Davis on two issues relating to his campaign for County Commissioner.
Beaufort County Commission Vice-Chairman Gary Brinn announced the following today. The North Carolina State Board of Elections has found against Derik Davis on two issues relating to his campaign for County Commissioner.
August 18, 2016-Washington, NC: Beaufort County Commissioner Gary Brinn today called on candidate Derik Davis to terminate his County Commissioner candidacy following the release of a Washington (NC) Police Department report of a vandalism incident at Paul's Funeral Home July 15, 2016 naming Davis.
August 18, 2016-Washington, NC: Beaufort County Commissioner Gary Brinn today called on candidate Derik Davis to terminate his County Commissioner candidacy following the release of a Washington (NC) Police Department report of a vandalism incident at Paul's Funeral Home July 15, 2016 naming Davis.
It has been weeks of it; a culmination of years of it, and when does it end?
Since the days of Nebbia and West Coast Hotel, challenges to economic regulation have almost universally failed. Particularly in the realm of alcohol, where the State historically plays a role in regulating the distribution and consumption of an intoxicating product, it would be difficult to...
Since the days of Nebbia and West Coast Hotel, challenges to economic regulation have almost universally failed. Particularly in the realm of alcohol, where the State historically plays a role in regulating the distribution and consumption of an intoxicating product, it would be difficult to...
The Johnson Amendment was adopted to silence Churches in the political arena and the time has come when pastors need to stand up to the intimidation.
The Johnson Amendment was adopted to silence Churches in the political arena and the time has come when pastors need to stand up to the intimidation.
Today, I learned that Barack Obama has proposed an Amendment to the Constitution that would limit the 1st Amendment.
As part of his remarks while visiting the White House on his first day in the United States, Pope Francis made a strong plea on behalf of religious liberty, which he specifically directed at President Obama. This came shortly before he made an unscheduled visit with the Little Sisters of the Poor...
As part of his remarks while visiting the White House on his first day in the United States, Pope Francis made a strong plea on behalf of religious liberty, which he specifically directed at President Obama. This came shortly before he made an unscheduled visit with the Little Sisters of the Poor...
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
An amendment to replace the States' influence in the federal government since the 17th Amendment was adopted.
I make no apologies here: I am a Southerner as a condition of birth and by lineage - both parents were Southerners.
I make no apologies here: I am a Southerner as a condition of birth and by lineage - both parents were Southerners.
Thomas Jefferson wondered how the country would respond in the case its government passed a law that was clearly unconstitutional.
Thomas Jefferson wondered how the country would respond in the case its government passed a law that was clearly unconstitutional.
Acclaimed octogenarian film director /actor Clint Eastwood, and rising film star Bradley Cooper, who producer of American Sniper may just have a monetary, and critically acclaimed hit on their hands with the Chris Kyle biopic that each are so powerfully responsible for.
Acclaimed octogenarian film director /actor Clint Eastwood, and rising film star Bradley Cooper, who producer of American Sniper may just have a monetary, and critically acclaimed hit on their hands with the Chris Kyle biopic that each are so powerfully responsible for.
The terrorist attack by yet more murderous Muslims accentuates these terrible times, and just how irrational it has been to not confront Islamist terrorists directly.
The terrorist attack by yet more murderous Muslims accentuates these terrible times, and just how irrational it has been to not confront Islamist terrorists directly.
They are 45 of the most consequential words in America's founding documents, but the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is coming under repeated attack from liberal advocacy groups, regulatory agencies, and elected officials on both sides of the political aisle, according to an array of policy
They are 45 of the most consequential words in America's founding documents, but the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is coming under repeated attack from liberal advocacy groups, regulatory agencies, and elected officials on both sides of the political aisle, according to an array of policy
The Washington Daily News will try their hand at reporting on politics, which well operates under the accurate categorical department of 'better late than never'.
The Washington Daily News will try their hand at reporting on politics, which well operates under the accurate categorical department of 'better late than never'.
I suppose it is up to me to explain this phenomena since I am the one that coined the expression.
I suppose it is up to me to explain this phenomena since I am the one that coined the expression.
The event's featured speaker, however, was none other than Glenn Beck, who delivered a riveting speech outlining exactly what is at stake in the government's concerted scheme to shut down political opposition.
The event's featured speaker, however, was none other than Glenn Beck, who delivered a riveting speech outlining exactly what is at stake in the government's concerted scheme to shut down political opposition.
Does anyone remember Scooter Libby. He was the bad guy in the Bush Administration that leaked the name of Valery Plame (allegedly a CIA Operative) to the media and got sent to jail for staunchly denying it.
Does anyone remember Scooter Libby. He was the bad guy in the Bush Administration that leaked the name of Valery Plame (allegedly a CIA Operative) to the media and got sent to jail for staunchly denying it.
Every year, we pay homage to those that make a marked difference, who pass on from this temporal plane.
Every year, we pay homage to those that make a marked difference, who pass on from this temporal plane.
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